“Hot Metal Men”
Lead Melter Steve Denmon, and melters Kyle Kratzer and Marcus Milburn, are the on-the-melt deck men who operate the 4 induction furnaces that melt up to 10,000 lbs. daily of molten metal: iron, carbon & low alloy steels, all stainless steels, monel, copper-nickel, Hastelloy. and many more.

Gene Parker (Manufacturing Manager), Charles Holland (Foundry Manager), and Tyler Vogt (Foundry Supervisor) lead the group.
The melt deck is supplied with a recipe for every melt. They gather all these charge materials from Effort Foundry’s controlled inventory. When all ingredients are melted, a preliminary sample is supplied to the on-site laboratory to analyze chemistry and compare governing specifications. Once the lab approves the analysis, the melt deck prepares to tap the furnace(s) into prepared pre-heated ladles. The ladles deliver the molten metal via overhead cranes to the waiting molds for casting by the pouring team.

The pouring team consists of Ricky Keifer, Tavan Serrano, Jorge Sierra, Jr., and Dominick Nixon.
Once the ladle is emptied and all castings from the “heat” are poured, the melt deck prepares for the next heat.
On average, Effort Foundry has 6 heats per day pouring an average of 50 castings per day.