The photo below shows the Effort Foundry certified Safety Committee. The committee is comprised of shop and management personnel. They meet monthly to review notes and open items from the previous month’s meeting. A safety tour of the entire shop is performed monthly by the committee with notes and actions documented. The monthly meeting selects 2 employees who have shown exemplary safety performance (those employees receive a gift card).
The committee is certified annually as an approved Pennsylvania Safety Committee. Under the Safety Committee leadership, Effort Foundry has had 472 days without a lost time accident.
Effort Foundry is PROUD of our safety committee and all the work they do to keep us SAFE!

Left to right:
Danny Paladino, Shakeout Operator
Steve Denmon, Melt Lead
Alan Stombaugh, QC Inspector Lead
Phil Dean, Inspector
Aaron Papay, Maintenance
Chuck Holland, Foundry Manager
Dennis Fritzinger, Cleaning Room Manager
Jim Angst, Pattern Repair Lead
Bill Easterly, President
Deb Klock, HR Manager