Effort Foundry Military/Navy/Nuclear Orders Continue To Grow
Effort Foundry’s growth into the Military/Navy/Nuclear casting market continues to grow, accounting for over 40% of total output.
Effort Foundry’s growth into the Military/Navy/Nuclear casting market continues to grow, accounting for over 40% of total output.
The Steel Founders’ Society of America recognizes the outstanding contribution toward the technical and operating advancement of the industry of Bill Easterly of Effort Foundry with the Charles W. Briggs Memorial Technical and Operating Medal.
Over 70 customers attended the open house at Effort Foundry, Bath, PA, on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. All attendees expressed positive comments about the entire day!
Effort Foundry is PROUD of our safety committee and all the work they do to keep us SAFE!
On December 4, 2024, at the Siemens Energy Suppliers Summit in Houston, TX, Effort Foundry was presented with recognition for the 2024 “Continuous Improvement” award for North American Foundries supplying castings to Siemens Energy. Photo shows Bill Easterly receiving the award from Ian Seybert, Procurement Manager.
Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) strives for the highest quality in the manufacturing of their products. This includes having their suppliers provide the highest quality compliant material and services. Newport News Shipbuilding has for more than 135 years built ships that have served the nation in peace and war, in times Read more…
Rapid prototyping technologies are frequently used in the casting industry to create prototypes and patterns for casting processes. These technologies help reduce lead times, enhance design flexibility, and allow for the quick iteration of designs before committing to the production of final castings. Here are some common rapid prototyping methods Read more…
Effort Foundry’s update as we enter the new year.
Effort Foundry is proud to have the best digital engineering group in the industry!
The pouring of large castings involves a carefully orchestrated process to ensure the proper filling of the mold and the quality of the final casting. Here is a general overview of the steps involved in pouring large castings: 1. Mold Preparation: – Before pouring, a mold must be prepared. For Read more…